The Unopened Book

This poem was originally published on 7 March 2013. It appears in my debut anthology Wildflower Sea available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo Books.

I am a book
Residing in that section
With the books no one reads
As no one wants to
With dust collecting
Hidden in the darkness
Beneath other books
Until one young inquisitive little child
Comes along and picks me out
- dusts me off
And opens the pages
And then cherishes every word
Of every line of every page
Of every chapter

I was a book
Residing in the darkness
With old yellow pages
And a withering and fading cover
With years of layers of dust
Giving me a new cover
With old cobwebs dangling
For even the spiders scuttled off
Because they were afraid
They had felt the haunting aura
That goes with the cover of each book
And it was like a Basilisk
- Had attacked them

I was a book
That hadn't seen the light of day
For years
Until that child with an innocent mind
And caring hands
Pulled me from out of the stack of books
With a determination
That accompanies the wonderful curiosity
That children have
And took me to a corner
And bathed me in the dim light of a candle
Bathed me
The light was blinding
But it was beautiful

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